
Dropdowns are a creative way to provide more options on a click or hover element. With Uikit dropdown component, you can attach the dropdown to couple of elements to enrich your UI composition.

Button with dropdowns

To create a button dropdown, wrap the [dropdown] shortcode around a button that you'd like to add a dropdown menu, then add the dropdowm markup right after the button. Additionally, you can add an arrow icon using the [icon] shortcode to depict a dropdown menu.


[dropdown style="uk-button-dropdown"]
[button style="default" href="#" target="_self"]Dropdown 1 [icon style="icon-angle-down"/][/button]
   [nav style=""]
      <li><a href="#">Menu item</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Menu item</a></li>
      <li class="uk-nav-header uk-navbar-nav-subtitle">Menu Heading<div>Subtitle possible</div></li>
      <li><a href="#">[icon style="icon-envelope-o"/] Menu Icon</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">[icon style="icon-heart-o"/] Another Menu item</a></li>
      <li class="uk-nav-divider"></li>
      <li><a href="#">Separated item</a></li>

Button group with dropdowns

You can also use button groups to split buttons into a standard action on the left and a dropdown toggle on the right.


   [button style="color" href="#" target="_self"]split button[/button]
   [dropdown style=""]
   [button style="color" href="#" target="_self"][icon style="icon-angle-down"/][/button]
         [nav style=""]
            ...menu items

The following is a list of possible style options for the [nav] dropdown menu

uk-color Use the main menu color in the dropdown menu
uk-dropdown-flip Aligns the dropdown menu to the right
uk-dropdown-up Aligns the dropdown menu above the toggle
uk-dropdown-center Centers the dropdown menu.
uk-dropdown-small Set the dropdown to be smaller


   [button style="color" href="#" target="_self"]split button[/button]
   [dropdown style=""]
   [button style="color" href="#" target="_self"][icon style="icon-angle-down"/][/button]
         [nav style="uk-color uk-dropdown-up uk-dropdown-center uk-dropdown-small"]
            ...menu items






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